The Benefits of Play
Laughter. Running. Jumping. Climbing. Swinging. Sliding. When you think of a playground, you think of a happy, carefree environment. But there’s much more going on than just fun. Pediatrician Kenneth Ginsburg of the AAP, while testifying before a federal subcommittee, described the importance of outdoor play for children:
“Play in an outdoor, natural environment allows children to explore both their world and their own minds…. places virtually no bounds on the imagination and engages all of the senses. For all children, this setting allows for the full blossoming of creativity, curiosity, and the associated developmental advances.”
Our partner organization IPEMA is the leading resource for research development in the playground industry. They have shared their insights on how children are at their highest level of development when they are at play. Research shows that outdoor free play gives kids many valuable benefits, including the development of physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills.